County Engineer

The County Engineer serves as an advisor to the Township Trustees for the maintenance, repair, widening, resurfacing, and reconstruction of township highways. The County Engineer is responsible for the bridges on both the county and township highway systems. Additional duties of the County Engineer include serving as the County’s floodplain manager and oversees the County Map Office.
For more information about our Mapping Department or our new Deed Pre-Approval process, please visit our Map Office page. Click here Map Office
Mailing Address:
Harrison County Engineer
1 Service Garage Rd
Cadiz, Ohio 43907
Phone: 740-942-3086
Fax: 740-942-0041
Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Please call the Harrison County Sheriff (740-942-2197) regarding after hours road emergencies.